Various Benefits of Wine and Risks for Health

Various Benefits of Wine and Risks for Health

Alcoholic drinks, including wine, are known to have various benefits. One of the health benefits of wine is preventing heart disease. However, you still have to be aware of the risks that can arise if you consume wine excessively.

Wine is the result of fermentation of fruit, such as red grapes, which have been crushed. The alcohol content in wine generally ranges from 12–15%. This type of alcoholic drink is known to be high in antioxidants so it is believed to provide health benefits.

However, the benefits of this wine can only be felt if consumed in the right amount. The recommended limit for wine consumption is 1 glass per day or around 150 ml.

Benefits of Wine for Health

Apart from the negative effects, wine can provide various health benefits, including:

Maintain heart health

Wine is known to contain the antioxidant resveratrol which is believed to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. This type of antioxidant is usually found in the skin of grapes and several other plants.

However, consuming wine is not the only recommended way to maintain heart health. You still have to live a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious food, not smoking, and maintaining an ideal body weight to avoid heart disease.

Increases good cholesterol levels in the blood

Alcoholic drinks are known to affect cholesterol levels in the body. A study shows that consuming wine can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels by up to 50% and increase good cholesterol (HDL) levels in the blood.

Reduces depression and anxiety

Consuming wine is known to be beneficial for mental health, such as reducing depression and anxiety. To get this benefit, the recommended limit for wine consumption is 1 glass per day. If it’s more than that, consuming wine can actually have a bad impact on mental health.

Apart from that, there are various other benefits of wine, such as reducing the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, reducing insulin resistance, and increasing good bacteria in the intestines.

However, the benefits of wine do not necessarily make alcoholic drinks good for health. Continue to live a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep to have a healthy body.

Risks of Consuming Wine for Health

If consumed in excessive amounts, wine can be harmful to health. The following are health problems that can result from consuming excessive wine:

Cancer diseases, including breast cancer, mouth cancer and liver cancer
Damage to the heart muscle that causes heart failure
High blood pressure
Brain damage and defects in the fetus
Alcohol addiction

Apart from that, excessive wine consumption can also inhibit the absorption of folic acid in the body and reduce bone density, thereby increasing the risk of bone fractures.

If you are taking certain medications, you should avoid consuming wine. This is because the alcohol content in wine can cause dangerous interactions with a number of drugs, including paracetamol, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, as well as painkillers and sedatives.

Even though the health benefits of wine are quite varied, consumption of alcoholic drinks, including beer and rum, must still be done wisely. If it is excessive, the risk of health problems will be much more dangerous for wine club milano.

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