Types of Cardio Exercises that are Easy to Do and Their Benefits

Types of Cardio Exercises that are Easy to Do and Their Benefits

Cardio exercise is one of the starr’s mill physical activities that offers a multitude of benefits for the body’s health. Even though it is known to be able to help burn calories and fat in the body, apparently the benefits of cardio exercise are not limited to that.

The reason is, doing cardio exercise regularly can help improve heart and lung health, improve body function, and maintain blood pressure. There are even several types of cardio exercise to choose from, ranging from light to heavy intensity.

What is Cardio Exercise?

Cardio exercise is physical activity that aims to pump blood from the heart and lungs so that the heart rate increases to reach the maximum point of burning fat and calories. It could be said that cardio exercise is exercise that is good for the heart. The reason is, the term cardio exercise itself is taken from the word cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel system). The reason for using this word is because this sport can train the heart and make the body use oxygen effectively.

Apart from that, cardio exercise can also help increase overall body stamina. When doing cardio exercise, the body will use most of the muscles in it. This cardio exercise is also known as aerobic exercise.

Benefits of Cardio Exercise

Apart from improving heart and lung health, cardio exercise also provides various other benefits not only physically but also mentally. Here are some of them:

1. Maintain body weight

One of the benefits of cardio exercise is reducing excess weight in obese people and maintaining ideal body weight. Cardio exercise works by increasing the heart rate and increasing the work of the body’s cells to reach the point of burning fat and calories optimally. Cardio exercise can also increase muscle mass.

2. Maintain blood sugar and cholesterol levels

Doing cardio exercise regularly is also known to help prevent and reduce the symptoms of type 2 diabetes. This benefit comes from the ability of cardio exercise to improve the body’s mechanisms for using blood sugar and reduce insulin resistance.

3. Overcoming Stress

The benefits of cardio exercise for mental health are being able to overcome stress. Just like other sports, cardio exercise can also stimulate the pituitary gland in the brain to release endorphins which can reduce stress and improve mood. That way, the body will become calmer and feel happier.

4. Increases body immunity

Cardio exercise is an activity that can increase the body’s immunity. The reason is, people who regularly do cardio exercise are known to have a stronger immune system and are less easily stressed than people who are not active in physical activity.

5. Improve sleep quality

If you have difficulty sleeping, then doing cardio exercise could be the solution. The reason is, cardio exercise done regularly is claimed to improve sleep quality and make you sleep more soundly. However, it is recommended to limit cardio exercise time to at least two hours before bed.

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