The Right Way to Take Care of Newborns, Do the Following

The Right Way to Take Care of Newborns, Do the Following

Caring for a baby is not the same as caring for a child who can walk, it requires perseverance, patience and of course knowledge.

Many parents who have babies for the first time are still confused about caring for their baby, as a result, some simple problems are often overlooked.

To care for newborns, you can do the following so that the growth and development of the child can be monitored and protected from unwanted things.

1. Caring for the Newborn Umbilical Cord

The first thing to pay attention to when a newborn is to care for the baby’s umbilical cord. Not infrequently this becomes a source of major problems and is very fatal if handled improperly.

The umbilical cord or in Javanese it is called “Wudhel” is easily infected, therefore keeping it dry and clean is an obligation.

If something undesirable happens, such as the baby’s umbilical cord turning reddish and causing an unpleasant odor, immediately take the baby to the doctor.

2. Caring for All Baby’s Five Senses

All five senses of newborns are not optimal, so they require special care and be very careful. The five baby senses that must be cared for are:

3. The Right Time to Breastfeed the Baby

Meeting the nutritional and food needs of newborns only through breast milk (breast milk), breastfeeding the baby is done every 1-2 hours a day.

The most common sign when a baby wants to suckle is crying to sucking the baby’s hands and mouth like looking for a nipple.

When the baby feeds several times, he will experience gastroesophageal reflux or the baby will spit up milk again from his mouth (spit up). This is because the size of the baby’s stomach is still very small so that milk that cannot be accommodated by the stomach will be vomited up again.

4. Baby Rest Time

Newborns need a lot of time to rest or sleep, in a day babies can fall asleep in sleep for 16-18 hours. Even though a baby’s sleep time is quite long, it only lasts 1-2 hours each time he falls asleep.

As it grows bigger, the baby will experience a decrease in sleep hours to only 6 hours a day when it is at least 6 months old and don’t forget to visit our sites to get other interesting information by click here

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