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Prep: Lunatics: Out in the Dark Zone (2010) Discrete 00:05:30 [Complete] help solviz-1056317-5.rar. Prep: Lunatics: Out in the Dark Zone (2010) Discrete 00:05:30 [Complete] helpElectric guitar legend Les Paul receives a key to the city in Fort Worth FORT WORTH (CBSDFW.COM) – Legendary electric guitar and banjo legend Les Paul received the keys to the city in Fort Worth on Friday night. One of the many stories on this week’s Inside Edition featured how the three keys were given to Les Paul during his visit to Fort Worth. The program aired in January, but if you missed it, don’t worry, CBS11 DFW is re-airing it. “I’m overwhelmed,” Les Paul said during the ceremony. Of course, the Electric Guitar Hall of Fame inductee was accompanied by his wife, children, band mates and family members to City Hall. Texas Panhandle native Les Paul is one of the most influential artists in the world of music. Born Lucille Paul on September 26, 1910, Les Paul co-founded Gibson Guitars with his friend Ted McCarty in 1930 in Cleveland. Les Paul died in 1991, but his legacy lives on. The legendary guitarist who was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2002 has always acknowledged his roots. One of the ways he expressed this was by mentioning his birthplace of Panhandle, Texas. His family was able to accept the keys from Mayor Betsy Price during Friday’s ceremony. The mayor said it was important for Fort Worth to honor Les Paul. “He’s the guy that helped start it all for us,” she said. “And I love that he comes from Texas.” The stories on this week’s Inside Edition covered how the three keys were given to Les Paul and how the city of Fort Worth is developing a plan for a music trail. You can watch the Les Paul key ceremony in the video posted below. It’s re-airing on Friday at 11:30 a.m. It will be re-airing again next month.

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