5 Adorable Short Leg Dog Breeds, Perfect as Home Pets

5 Adorable Short Leg Dog Breeds, Perfect as Home Pets

Dogs are often used as pets by a number of people because of their high loyalty to their masters. The various breeds of these animals are also an attraction, why groups of people want to adopt them to be friends or just pets.

For those of you who are interested in keeping one, perhaps short-legged dog breeds can attract you.

As the name suggests, short-legged dogs are a type of animal that has small and short legs and a fairly small body size. This makes it relatively easy to care for compared to the largest dog breeds.

1. Pomeranian

The Pomeranian is a short-legged, thick-haired dog that is mostly kept by a number of people. This type has a small body with quite dense fur and is famous for its lively and brave personality.

What’s more interesting is that this mammal has a face and body shape that resembles a doll, making it suitable as a companion for your little one.

It is not uncommon for masters to dress up and wear clothes for Pomeranians. Meanwhile, it is important to know that almost all types of short-legged dogs cannot grow large.

2. Chihuahuas

When talking about short-legged dog breeds with thick fur, it cannot be denied that the chihuahua holds the title as the most popular among them.

The adorable body shape and cute personality make many people fascinated by this short dog breed. Not only that, chihuahuas also have other distinctive characteristics, such as a wide forehead and an attractive posture.

Although their bodies are light and small, weighing less than 3 kg, chihuahuas come in a variety of attractive colors such as brown, white, and tawny. Care is also relatively easy so anyone can care for this breed well.

3. Poodles

Poodles are a type of short dog that is very popular to keep. Their main characteristic is their curly and thick fur which makes them look like dolls.

This type is also known to come from Germany and can survive for up to 15 years. With 3 different sizes, everyone can choose a poodle according to their taste. However, before adopting this animal, make sure to prepare good care because they have dense fur.

4. Shih Tzu

Shih tzu is a short-legged animal with thick fur originating from China. Even though this breed can weigh up to 7.2 kg, their short legs make their physical appearance still look small and very elegant.

The most striking thing about Shih Tzu is the long, beautiful fur that covers their face, including their eyes. This allows every Shih Tzu owner to be creative with their fur, such as decorating it with pretty ribbons.

5. Maltese

The Maltese is a short, thick-haired dog that is around 20 to 25 cm tall, with a body weight of 3 to 4 kg. The main characteristics of this breed are a soft, white coat, with hanging ears and a curved tail on the back.

Apart from that, Maltese can also be very sweet pets because their personality is easy to train. Another unique thing is that the nature of this dog is quite active and spoiled so it is suitable to play with and don’t forget to visit our site to get other interesting information by click here

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