New Species Dinosaur Fossil Found, This Predator Could Roll Over a Bus

New Species Dinosaur Fossil Found, This Predator Could Roll Over a Bus

Paleontologists from Argentina managed to find a dinosaur with a very long neck. The discovery of this new species of dinosaur came from southern Argentina, in the Patagonia region, on the site of the Pueblo Blanco Nature Reserve.

This fossilized dinosaur bone weighs 50 tons and is 30 meters high. Given the name “Chucarosaurus Diripenda,” this dinosaur is the largest dinosaur ever discovered in the Province of Rio Negro.

The name “Chucarosaurus Diripenda” means “boiled and scrambled eggs,” because this dinosaur managed to nearly roll over a vehicle due to its weight and size.

Quoting from the libby museum, this dinosaur is believed to have lived in the late Cretaceous Age along with fish, turtles and other predators. The femur alone is 1.90 meters high and weighs 100 kilograms.

Patagonia is an area with many remains of herbivorous dinosaurs, such as Patagotitan mayorum, the largest dinosaur ever discovered.

Matias Motta, a paleontologist, said that while Chucarosaurus was still bigger and heavier than other Patagonia dinosaurs, its anatomy indicated that it was still more docile.

About 140 dinosaur species have been found in Argentina, making it the third country with the most dinosaur discoveries in the world.

The discovery of the dinosaur was made by a team of researchers from the Bernardino Rivadiva Museum of Natural Sciences, the Azara Foundation and the Conicet national research committee with the support of the National Geographic Society.

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