Job Training Programs

Job Training Programs

After understanding the meaning and purpose of job training, now we need to understand what programs are included in job training. The following are some types or programs that are usually in job training.

1. Skills Training

This job training program is often found in various organizations. Skills training is also an absolute must for every employee. As the name implies, this job training program aims to improve employee skills.

2. Retraining

Next is the retraining program. Retraining is training that is needed by the company because of the demands of repetitive work. For example, today’s software system requirements are more often applied to companies than to hardware. Therefore, the recommended training is getting to know the software system.

3. Cross Functional Training

Cross functional training is work training that involves employees to carry out work activities in other fields besides their assigned work. For example, an employee can do skill A, but when skill B is needed, the employee must be ready. Therefore, this training is carried out to improve the ability so that these employees can have B skills.

4. Team Training

An example of job training is training consisting of a group of individuals where they have to complete work together for a common goal within the team.

5. Creativity Training

Lastly, there is creativity training. This job training usually frees up employees to be creative, then given the opportunity to channel ideas. However, it must be in accordance with the vision and mission of the company.

Job training is usually held at workplaces, legal entities or individuals, and private job training institutions such as the Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute (prasmul-eli). Prasmul-eli has been trusted as a partner for Course and Training Institutions in various national, multinational companies and government institutions.

There are many training programs and online courses held by Prasmul-eli to develop the potential of Human Resources (HR) and career development, such as Public Programs, Corporate Programs, Seasonal Programs, Assessment Services, and Consulting Services.

The Purpose of Job Training and Its Benefits for Employees and Companies

The company holds job training to improve the skills of its employees so that they are able to produce good output. This is in accordance with the function and objectives of job training which are always related to improving the performance of a company’s human resources (HR) as a whole.

According to Employment Law Number 13 of 2003, job training is a total of activities to provide, obtain, improve and develop work competency, productivity, discipline, attitude and work ethic at a certain level of skills and expertise in accordance with the level and qualifications of the position or job. .

Based on this understanding, a number of benefits can be seen from job training. The following article will describe these benefits as well as explain the purpose of job training held by the company, visit us.

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