Author Archives: serquei

OCS Contact Manager Crack Product Key Full [Win/Mac] (Updated 2022)

OCSCM was designed to be a tool that integrates with Microsoft Office Communication Server 2007 and Active Directory to provide an easy way to manage OCS users� contacts list. OCSCM is designed to show you how to create and modify contacts and groups for individual users by interacting with the Active Directory Domain Services and […]

Adobe Lens Profile Creator Crack Activation Code With Keygen Free

Lens Profile Creator is a utility that enables the easy creation of lens profiles for use in the Adobe Photoshop family of products, such as Adobe Photoshop CS5, Adobe Camera Raw and Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. A lens profile describes the types of optical aberrations that exist in a particular lens and prescribes how to correct […]

Taxonomic Unit Identification Tool Torrent (Activation Code)

Taxonomic Unit Identification Tool is a lightweight Java-based command line application that you can use to annotate nucleotide sequences using BLAST homology search. Taxonomic Unit Identification Tool can process 16S microbiology studies or taxonomic classifications of nucleotides.   Download           Taxonomic Unit Identification Tool Crack+ License Keygen [2022-Latest] Taxonomic Unit Identification […]


When it comes to managing your music files, there are many applications and programs that could help  you do just that. One of them is Carlanthano. It's a neat software solution that has a jukebox and lots of features for organizing audio files. You can create a playlist and listen to your files easily. It […]

Microsoft Windows 2000 Unofficial SP5 For Windows 2022

Updating the operating system with the latest fixes and patches released by Microsoft is usually an automated process, handled by the built-in update mechanism or it can be performed manually by any user. When it comes to older iterations of the OS, like Windows 2000, things tend to become more complicated, especially because it received […]