Author Archives: benbota

TWindows7LogonBackgroundChanger Crack Free Download [Win/Mac] [2022-Latest]

  Download           TWindows7LogonBackgroundChanger License Keygen Free Download [2022] Drop it on portable devices You can take advantage of the program’s portability status and transfer it on pen drives or other portable devices so you can carry it with you all the time. Gaining access to its features requires only opening […]

Joperties Crack Free Download

Joperties is a lightweight component designed to provide you with a viable alternative to the mechanism of serialization. It extends the Properties class in Java by automatically transforming Strings to Objects and viceversa. With Joperties, you can help you handle Java objects without worrying about errors that might occur due to conversion issues.   Download […]

DRPU Database Converter – MySQL To MS SQL Keygen For (LifeTime) For PC (Latest)

While Microsoft’s SQL Server provides some extra features over MySQL and is more trusted in the development market MySQL is more user-friendly for those who are still beginning to learn how to handle DBMS (database management systems). DRPU Conversion Software – MySQL to MS SQL enables you to convert  MySQL databases to MS SQL in […]

MyFinePix Studio Crack Download [Mac/Win] (Final 2022)

Viewing and managing the pictures taken with a digital camera are common activities that are made possible by dedicated applications like MyFinePix Studio. This particular software solution is tailored to accommodate the needs of those who own a FUJI camera and wish to manage their photos in a straightforward manner. Well organized layout for accessing […]