4 Types of Healthy Frozen Food that are Good to Consume

4 Types of Healthy Frozen Food that are Good to Consume

As the name suggests, frozen food is food that has been frozen. This food is considered practical, easy to prepare, and lasts longer, especially if you don’t have much time to cook. This triggers the opinion that frozen food is unhealthy food according to www.coloradomeatpiecompany.com.

To make it easier for you to choose, here are several types of healthy frozen food that you can consume:

1. Vegetables

Vegetables contain many nutrients that are good for the body, such as vitamins, minerals and fiber. Apart from being good for consumption straight away, vegetables are also good and safe for consumption when frozen.

A study states that the nutritional content of fresh vegetables and frozen vegetables is not much different. In fact, the freezing process can maintain certain nutritional levels in vegetables. Therefore, frozen vegetables can be a healthy frozen food choice.

2. Fruits

Just like vegetables, fruit is also rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. When frozen, the nutrients in the fruit will not change, but can be preserved. However, there may be slight changes in the moisture content and appearance of the fruit during the thawing process.

You can consume frozen fruit as juice or smoothie and can also eat it with yoghurt as a healthy snack.

3. Fish

Fish is a good source of protein, vitamin D, selenium and omega-3 for the body. These various nutrients are even contained in frozen fresh fish.

However, you need to be careful when processing frozen fish or meat. Make sure this food has thawed completely before you cook it. This is important to pay attention to because it can cause bacterial contamination if it is not completely cooked when cooked.

The safest way to thaw frozen fish is to put the fish in the bottom of the refrigerator and leave it overnight. If you want to cook it straight away, you can thaw frozen fish using the microwave.

4. Red meat

Apart from fish, fresh red meat can also be frozen and is a type of frozen food that is healthy to consume. This type of food is high in protein, B vitamins, iron and selenium.

However, make sure you choose a type or part of meat that is low in fat, for example chicken breast or tenderloin. Don’t wash meat before freezing

The storage time for frozen food can vary depending on the type. However, do not consume food if it shows signs of expiration, for example the smell is rotten, the color has changed drastically, and the texture is very soft or sticky.

When you want to freeze food, how to process and store it must also be done correctly. Store food in tightly closed containers to avoid germ contamination from the freezer or other food.

To get nutrition from frozen food, choose types of food that don’t go through a lot of processing, such as sandwiches or fried chicken. Apart from that, avoid frozen foods that contain flavor enhancers, for example sugar or sodium (salt).

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