Soal Ujian Masuk Unisba

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Soal Ujian Masuk Unisba

A: You need to start your return statement with a semicolon. Change this line return Mage::getModel(‘app/magereport/api’); to return; Reference: Denise Jodoin Denise Jodoin is a Canadian politician, who was elected to the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick in the 2014 provincial election. She represented the electoral district of Moncton Centre as a member of the Liberal Party of New Brunswick and was re-elected in 2017. On June 17, 2017, Jodoin was appointed Minister of Health and Wellness in the cabinet of Premier Brian Gallant. Jodoin is the first francophone cabinet minister to be appointed from New Brunswick since the incorporation of Acadian and Scottish communities. References External links Liberal Party profile Category:Living people Category:Members of the Executive Council of New Brunswick Category:New Brunswick Liberal Association MLAs Category:Women government ministers of Canada Category:Women MLAs in New Brunswick Category:21st-century Canadian politicians Category:21st-century Canadian women politicians Category:Year of birth missing (living people)Q: Google graph explorer: How can I disable certain date ranges? I’m trying to populate data for various dates in my query using Google’s Graph Explorer. It’s working, but I’d like to have it skip certain dates. I can easily block the query after a certain date using this approach: And this is the result if I select 2014-01-02: “VALUE”:”142936000000″ If I increase the number to a date further than three months in the past, I get a different value for the same date. I feel this is some kind of caching problem, as I get the data for 2015-01-02 as well (which I’ve never queried). I have looked around and found documentation for column filters for GASQL, but they do not seem to work the way I expect. Any thoughts on what I’m doing wrong? A: The DateTimeFilters parameter is for filtering a column. If you want to skip certain dates you could filter the year,

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nomer soal ujian masuk unisbaQ: How to use regex to extract a specific string from a string I’m trying to extract’version’ from the string using regex. But I don’t know how. Here’s an example of a string: InputText = ‘Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rutrum eros sit amet ante hendrerit, ut pretium sapien hendrerit. Maecenas id tortor id nisl elementum gravida. Mauris tempus porta pharetra. Ut et mauris eu ante rutrum finibus sit amet id metus. Pellentesque eleifend ut urna euismod dictum. Aliquam in tincidunt sapien. Pellentesque tincidunt, erat eu posuere fermentum, tellus risus egestas lacus, non bibendum est mauris nec enim. Etiam tincidunt nibh eget lorem mollis, non vestibulum felis malesuada. Duis urna turpis, pretium id faucibus ut, blandit convallis tortor. Integer commodo rhoncus tellus a molestie. In sit amet erat at metus commodo interdum. Etiam ut enim eget lorem mattis vulputate. Donec eget sapien velit, facilisis elit ac, dapibus nisl. Ut eget ipsum risus. Praesent a vehicula diam.’ Expected output: version = ‘v6.8.11′ my function def GetVersion(InputText):’\bVersion\b.*?\b’,InputText) T2=re.findall(r’\bVersion\b.*?\b’,InputText) return A: You can use this regex. Version\s*=\s*(?P.*) DEMO Code: import re Version = “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing

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